Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

So much to do, so little time.

I've been swamped with things to do so I haven't updated in several weeks. Here are a few of the things that have happened through the last few weeks:

1: Alanna's Birthday.......Happy Birthday! She turned 12 years old. WOW!

2: We had sixty nine people in church last Sunday morning!!!! The Lord is greatly working here!

3: Mr. Fernando killed a big's some pics. (I think it was a boa constrictor.)

4: We have been busily ordering things that we have found we could use. A family from the states is coming down here on a survey trip and they allowed us to use one of their suitcases!!!!!!

5: Mother's Day......Happy Mother's Day. Here is a poem that Jessica and Alanna wrote for Mom.....

 Thank You Mother

I thank you for the example that you are
I really appreciate your care and Love
Your instruction really has gone far
For I know God sent you from above.
Sometimes I do not see why you discipline me
I know you love the Lord,
Your friendship is so dear to me
Even though we've had hard times
Now I see why God made you my Mother.

6: My computer crashed :-(

7. We are moving our church to barn because we ran out of room in the house. We have to clean the barn and build church pews.

And that is just the tip of the iceburg so to speak. It is good to be in the center of God's will. (Really busy but good :-)    )

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Last night during church, we saw a coral snake!!! It was about a foot a and half long, and was red and black. It was scary, but hilarious because we had about 4 men that night not including us, and they all got around it, so it wouldn't get away while they were getting a machete. All of a sudden, one of the ladies took our broom went to the snake, and broke the broom on the snake. :-) Then Matthew killed it. We tried to look it up online but we could't find anything like it. Hopefully this picture is big enough so you can see it. It is black with red stripes. no other colors. I know about the saying, "Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, venom lack." But all of the Belizean natives called it a coral snake. It was kind of funny but scary at the same time, because there were four men around, and a woman took care of the snake. :-) Another story..... Also the day before the coral snake was killed, Savannah, my seven year old sister, saw a snake at our house in our yard next to the fence. There is no picture here of it, but we have a concrete fence about a 16 inches tall, then chain link fence goes up from that. My Dad, Matt, and I got flat-headed shovels and went kill to the snake. It was about two feet long and had a lizard in its mouth. I went to one side and tried to hit it with the shovel, and it started jumping. Not striking, but jumping straight up in the air! After it jumped twice, it spit the lizard out of it's mouth and started jumping towards me. I quickly started to use the shovel again, but it jumped straight in the air and went backwards, through the chain link fence, never to be seen again. WE HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

Yesterday was Easter and we had our biggest day yet of 54 people. We had 9 young ladies saved. Praise the Lord! For some reason my memory card won't cooperate with the computer so I will have to post pictures later. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My first blog

We are the Leonards. There is Dad, Mom, me (Chad), Matt, Jessica, Alanna, Savannah, and Michayla. We have six kids in our family and we are missionaries to Belize, Central America. I'm the oldest and it stairsteps down in the order stated above. We have been on deputation for five years and we've been on the field for almost 2 months. Wow two months already. I will keep you posted on the interesting things that happen to the Leonard family.